Jackie Gendel
New York, NY
Artist’s Statement
Tentatively titled Julia Tuttle's Genealogy of Matriarchs and Imposters, it will focus on the glamorized and self-reinventing tendencies expressed by various Miami women of different social strata. Although I do not know how the project will unfold, I can say that each of my usual "sitters" views themselves as women of their own making. This self construction seems at odds with the fact that they are subject to a more elaborate process of social construction, a belief made doubly complex by the poetics of inventing - not just rendering - these women of paint. I believe that a stay in Miami would provide a distinctive backdrop for a set of new women who forge their past to change their future.
As the painter of these women who I have assigned this belief of self-realization, I implicate myself in the poetic but cultural forces that shape their identity. I want my work to exist in the space between the delusion of the self-made and the ethos of the hand-made.
Artist’s Links
gallery links: http://www.motihasson.com/exhibitions/current.html