Marie Lorenz
Brooklyn, NY


Artist’s Statement

My artwork combines psycho-geographic exploration with highly crafted, material forms. I use boats and navigation in my artwork to create an uncertain space. My belief is that uncertainty brings about a heightened awareness of place. 

In my ongoing project called The Tide and Current Taxi, I ferry people throughout New York in a boat that I made. I study tidal charts of the harbor and use the tidal currents and river currents to push the boat all throughout New York City. The act of floating through adds a specific presence to ones own observation. The viewer maintains an awareness of their own balance and form as they absorb the details in their surrounding. This kind of observation creates something new out of something familiar. This is an attempt to ‘un-know’ the city. Furthermore, my project looks for unoccupied edges of social control– we float freely through the highly gridded city, in search of understanding, or just ‘in search of’. I continually insist upon re-exploring the metropolis. The coastline of New York City is constantly changing and developing; my projects navigate and record this transitional state.

Artist’s Links

artist’s website:

gallery links: