Moran Kliger
Tel Aviv, Israel

Artist's Statement

Born in 1981, lives and works in Tel Aviv. A multidisciplinary artist, graduated from the Continuing Studies program of HaMidrasha School of Art, Beit Berl College (2013), and has a Bachelor's Degree (with honors) from the Visual Communications Department at Shenkar College of Engineering and Design (2007).

In recent years Moran Kliger has been creating several bodies of work comprised of series in different techniques. The works are based predominately on figurative drawing that portrays an evolving narrative environment. In her early works she used a technique of digital drawing, and then moved on to work in free drawing in different techniques, including engraving in painted paper, screen-print, free drawing on paper and more. In her latest body of work "Goldilocks" she used the technique of pyrography performed on plywood by manually burning wood with a pyrography tool, creating an illusion of voluminous with additional dimension drawing.

The works' point of departure is a figurative narrative that critically engages with social cultural issues. Questions of identity versus loss of identity, gender, body and memory. An attempt to create a connection between a personal, at times autobiographical,  narrative to a social-collective one, between the intimate and the public.

Engaging with transformation based on an act of breaking reality to pieces and crossbreeding these fragments to create a new reality, an act that produces a space that is somewhere between real and surreal.  Mixing and juxtaposing conflicting and contradictory orders that present a struggle between attraction and repulsion, between control and lack of control, beauty and abjection. The departure from the realms of the familiar and proper and the divergence from the main path create a flawed narrative aimed at generating questions regarding the power of reality and the effect it has on us in creating social orders and patterns.

Moran Kliger's works are characterized by a use of labor-intensive, obsessive technique, like a flirtatious attempt to capture the viewer's gaze, make him linger in front of the work, take a long look and step into the "world" it presents. In her works she offers a seductive environment that is rich in details, composing poetic worlds that hold volatile moments in terms of social conventions and cultural connotations. The works are created in a manual action that seems precise and labor-intensive but does not let on the "sweat" that went into it but rather transmits cleanliness and timeless quietness that lure the viewer to surrender to it and to the thoughts it evokes.

Artist's Links

artist's website: