Leonardo Gonzalez

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

March 7 - April 3, 2018

Curated by Fountainhead Alum Curator Dermis Leon

Artist Statement

My work develops as I wonder around the city, building "maps and landscapes as I walk". Mapping the “everyday” through records such as photography, notes, collection of objects, allow me to translate them into actions, performance and installations. I find out mutations in the impossibility of being fixed on a definitive map, in an enduring portrait, in a diagram of explanation and interpretation.

I am interested in the "aesthetics of the unfinished", an expression that refers, in more pedestrian terms to the landscape of countless rods that bristle any construction as an ambiguous sign of negligence and as a promise of an uncertain future. The "aesthetics of the unfinished" refers to the apparently vigor of an irrepressible process in the “third world cities”, even of a health that suspiciously would take the appearances of the disease, in comparison with cities that have historically a well-defined urban design.

I research the different social conditions linked to the marginality and the systems they impose due to these conditions. Far from being casual, these systems develop their own language and thus create a flow of identity that is constantly renewed and established as a culture-factory. I develop my work from these social and anthropological reflections that create a platform that unifies experience, memory and artistic gesture.

Artist Links

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