Eduardo da Rosa


Artist Statement

I presume my work not to be only a product of the intellect but also an imaginative expression of symbols. By concentrating on the human form as the ideal object-symbol, I try to bring my work to a human pathos and to make it an activity of consequence rather than mere objects of decoration.

I paint series, which gives me the objective of concentrating on a subject that can be developed, researched and keeps me focused and interested in the subject of choice. I find working on a series exhilarating. My preferred medium is acrylic. For me, this medium gives me the necessary flexibility to use color to create composition, movement and elicit emotions.

In 2015, I began the Americana series, a subject that has been in my subconscious since my teenage years. I was influenced by movies and I was in love with everything American especially literature, philosophy and history, since America’s Independence to today. There has been a kind of mysticism that enables me to express my feelings for this country. America is a very complex society and I must say that I only understood it through the study of pragmatism, a true American philosophy. The Americana series is my way to thank the USA for granting me entrance into this country as an artist of merit and for the opportunity to work and express freely. This is my homage to the United States of America.