Marlon Portales

Havana, Cuba

March 7 - April 3, 2018
Curated by Fountainhead Alum Curator Dermis Leon

Generously funded by The Hillsdale Fund

Artist Statement

Marlon Portales Cusett (Cuba, 1991) studied visual arts at the Carlos Hidalgo Professional Academy of Fine Arts (2010) and he is currently in his final academic year at the Superior Institute of Art (ISA) in Havana. Portales is a multidisciplinary artist, working with several media, including painting, performance, installation and video. He has a political and ideological worldview that results in works with sociological and philosophical questionings, taking as a starting point the historical cultural context in Cuba to create dialogues and more universal reflections.

In his short career, he has been included in several group exhibitions and solo shows in Cuba, United States, Spain, Germany and Italy. He has participated in residencies such as Illy & UNIDEE in Citta del Arte – Fundazione Pistoletto in Biella, Italy (2016) and Art OMI in OMI International Art Center, Columbia, New York (2015).

Artist Links

ART OMI 2015. Catálogo digital. New York, USA. 2015. (

Publicaciones en la Revista ARTonCuba.

Yudinela Ortega y Claudia Taboada, Objetos de la re-existencia.

Publicación de cittadellarte - Fundación pistoletto... - Tercer Paraiso

Marlon Portales on Vimeo.