Jacqueline Falcone
Los Angeles, CA
June 1-30, 2020
Jacqueline Falcone is an independent curator and baker based in Los Angeles. In 2012 she founded Bed & Breakfast, an exhibition space located within her Miami bedroom to explore connections between art and hospitality. Falcone’s approach to exhibition-making is firmly rooted in community building and she strives to create a sense of “home” as she moves through distinct locations and publics. In 2019, Bed & Breakfast was selected for Los Angeles' Public Art Triennial, CURRENT:LA FOOD where Falcone created various solar cookers in conjunction with public programming in Pacoima, CA to spread awareness on the process of cooking with the sun. In the times of Covid, she has shifted her focus to a small baking business housed within Bed & Breakfast (Bread & Breakfast,) further exploring B&B's roots in the art of feeding.
Website: www.bedandbreakfast.org
Instagram: @bedandbreakfast_la