Marcela Sinclair
Artist’s Statement:
Marcela Sinclair was born in Buenos Aires. She has a BFA from the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes of Argentina. She took artwork critiques with Tulio de Sagastizábal, who she acknowledges as her main teacher. In 2005, she made an exhibition at the Casona de los Olivera, in which distinctive aspects of her work, such as the use of intervention, monochrome, and precision, are already noticeable. Years later, she made interventions on windows, covering them partially with chalk and tail, attending to the surrounding architecture. She made residences in El Basilisco (Bs As) and in Lugar a Dudas (Cali), where she carried out her first participatory work, a practice that she deployed later in different projects between 2009 and 2013. In 2010 she presented a dining table cut out with a conical intersection in the manner of Gordon Matta Clark , at Miau Miau gallery, in Buenos Aires. The piece was selected to be exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art and acquired by the Ministry of Culture of the Nation. In 2017, she participated in the Argentine art exhibitions curated by Sonia Becce and Mariano Mayer on the occasion of being Argentina the guest country to ARCO Madrid. She lives and works in Buenos Aires.