misael soto
Miami, FL
May 10- June 30, 2020
My practice interrogates and subverts contextually associated everyday objects and systemic roles, disrupting and manipulating space, systems, and frameworks. The time-based and ephemeral work involves interventions made upon existing objects, performative activations, institutional mediations, and is, more often than not, a combination of these elements. Pointing to truths found within the equivocal and disturbing presumed permanence are foundational goals. The novelty and uncanny nature of these situations, and the vulnerability asked from viewers, aligns their attention with the present and reveals circumstantial actualities leading to dialogue around critical contemporary concerns.
Born in Puerto Rico (1986) and based in Miami, Misael received their MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (2018) and graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor's Degree in Art History from Florida Atlantic University (2008). Beyond their public artworks which they have shown extensively for many years, Misael has exhibited at MCA Chicago, Open Engagement 2015, the Museum of Contemporary Art in North Miami, Material Art Fair in Mexico City, David Castillo Gallery in Miami, Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, and Young at Art Museum in Davie, Florida, amongst others. Misael has participated in the ACRE Residency Program in Steuben, WI and HomeBase Project's HB Build Artist-in-Residence program in Berlin, and will participate in Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts Summer Residency Program in Omaha, NE and Santa Fe Art Institute's 2020 residency. Misael is currently the Art in Public Life Resident with the City of Miami Beach and Oolite Arts.
Website: misaelsoto.com
Instagram: @misaelsoto